I’m a real person. I’m imperfect, just ask my wife and kids! They’re imperfect too. The kids leave their toys out, hate doing their homework, and always want to stay up too late watching Paw Patrol or “Ryan” on YouTube. I’ve learned over the years that God loves imperfect people. He takes us as we are and helps us be more like Him. This is the heart of what I want Parkway Church to be– a place for imperfect people growing closer to a perfect God.
I’ll have to be honest with you. We’re not the biggest church in Woodbridge. If you are looking for a church that you can come and go without being noticed or a church that won’t challenge you to use the gifts God has given you for Him, then this is not the place for you. If you want a church that is all about you and how to serve your wants, then this may not the church for you. But I believe if you are looking for a church that is authentic, loving, compassionate, and honest– then we might be the church for you.
By the way, if we’re not a good fit for you, that’s okay! We can help suggest other churches to visit. We don’t compete with other churches in the community… We just want people to be connected to the Word of God because the Word of God changes lives.
I’d love to chat with you sometime about you, your family, your experiences… and answer any questions you might have about faith or our church.
I’m here for you.
-Pastor J.
Email: jamie@tryparkway.com
Church Phone: 703.590.5199